Marketing Consulting Services
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Marketing Consulting


We offer consulting on all the stages of Hotel, Restaurant, Real Estate and Retail product lifecycle with respect to planning, forecasting, production, marketing, positioning. We integrate the product development and service components with its marketability and profitability. Hotel & Restaurant Industry specifically have a very complex structure that needs to be technically compatible with the market requirements and consumer expectations and is an inter-disciplinary role. We offer quality testing inputs (QTI) on Rooms for Hotels, Apartments & Residences, Menu and cuisines for Restaurants & Bars. Change Management Advises on various product & service aspects are stitched together to evolve the suitable concept and its marketability as per the business lines. We also use inbound product management like research, mystery audits, competition analysis, trend analysis, economic indicators, and documentation requirements to outlay Product Management Advises to Investors.


Brand Management is a very crucial aspect when it comes to Hotels, Real Estate, Restaurants, Education and Retail outfits. In all these cases, a value for money, recognition and knowledge share are the key factors that connect people. An emotional connect with the customer and the organization brand are very essential. This directly impacts the revenues and loyalty of the customers spread over time. A well-developed brand enhances market share and we offer a wide-spread consulting on Brand Management which are beyond mere advertisements. Engagement with a Brand is advocated thoroughly by White Lotus professionals. We offer styles and format for branding which is irrespective of the size of the Investment value. With Digital Marketing platforms available, we profess Brand Development programmes across these mediums. We encourage relationship with Brand and consumer through Social Media Platforms under different contents. Our expertise and advises enables you to be Brand Leaders in the segment that you envision to do.


Sales is a unique activity in Hospitality Industry. Hotel Room Sales is a glorified space selling of Real Estates. Time is of important essence. Sales cycle with its targeted segments and changing business trends in primary sectors pose a major challenge. Sales in Hotel & Real Estate are generally PR based and communication-oriented. Sales cycle starts with incorporating individuals and companies in the database to engagement of customers and consumers on larger base of the brand, it’s products and services. Prospecting on a daily basis, converting and pitching for a larger pie of the business, retaining the business is a challenge measured on a daily basis. Skillsets require professionals with thorough knowledge of the product & service, good and efficient communication and above all quotient of honesty. We assist the Operations & Business Investors devise a Sales strategy on the character of their Hotel, Resort, Restaurant or real-estate outfits.


White Lotus Advisory offers strategic advises on the entire promotion mix required by your product or service to be known in the specified target audience. The advisory services offer highlights on Advertising, Publicity, Sales Promotions, promotions on Digital platform, Direct Marketing, Personal Selling. These advises are further effected through product changes and development with its corresponding training.


Today electronic medium and use of computers, mobiles, smartphones, internet, gaming tablets have almost become a way of life for customers and consumers. Our Consulting offers a range of solutions devised and customized to your style of operations. This enables you to confirm upon distribution channels, Online Travel Agents, Rate Management, Channel Manager, booking engines, listing & directory organizations that enable the business mix for your kind of business. We also offer Consulting on e-events, e-distribution, e- branding, e-marketing, Usage on Social Media Platforms for Branding & Sales, Search Engine Optimization for higher reach, Search Engine budgets and Keyword analysis that would suit your business specifically. Our partner organization Travasure Hospitality have a full-fledged setup with experts in Digital Marketing and you could tour through the link for details


Hotels, Resorts and Restaurant Industry have sales of stock on platform of time. These Sales are managed according to the business segments that the product is positioned and the desired target audience. The Distribution happens through Distribution channels as offline and online Agents responsible for directly or indirectly selling the Inventory on scheduled calendars. Rooms & Seats being highly perishable demands a regular monitoring of the Sales vs revenue generations. Hotels, Resort & Restaurant Industry also have an advanced system of placing their stock for sales on platform of future-dates through Electronic Medium. White Lotus recommends the requirements of Booking Engines depending upon the size of your business and the need for e-marketing. The booking engines recommended could be plugged onto your website of Hotels & Restaurants and the reservations could be processed through the Operations Software of the Hotel. This enables a direction in pre-sales and larger areas for marketing your product within the scope of optimized costs. You may also get in touch with our partner organization Travasure Hospitality to support you with the desired systems through the link platform/.


White Lotus Advisory advocates a strong focus on customer retention. The Consulting philosophies are based on the principles of retaining a customer and having him to use your product and service repeatedly. The customer confidence indices on your organization should be very high. This is largely dependent on the processes and the resource known as ‘human’ on the platform of efficient data mining. Our programmes and courses on Customer Retention lies on the philosophies of minimum acquisition costs, maximum benefits to consumers and their need to come back to you. You may also get in touch with our partner organization Travasure Hospitality to support you with the desired systems through the link . A Business Process Outsourcing model on customized setup is also available with our partner Travasure Hospitality and we request you to tour through the link

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